
Ohio Medical Marijuana Gear Review:


Versatile Grinder For Medium & Fine Grinds

Review & Photos by: Randy Shaffer
Medium Grain
Fine Grain
Medium & Fine

If you’ve read our reviews or watched our Youtube channel, you’ve already seen a KANNASTöR GR8TR in use! I love this grinder quite a bit, and have actually used one for over a year. 

What makes this grinder unique is that you can take it apart in a variety of ways. For example, the top section of this grinder can be used for storage of ground flower. So you can have a sativa strain in the main chamber for the day, and some indica up in the top chamber ready for evenings. The grinding unit itself can be switched between medium and fine grinds. 

There’s also an awesome little window on some versions that allow you to see your cannabis as it is ground down, which is just really cool! Kannastor also includes a screen and kief catch. The screen is actually replaceable, which is a great feature. This means you could pick a thinner or heavier mesh, depending on your needs. Or just replace the screen instead of cleaning it regularly. 

Now, since I’ve had this one for about a year, I do have a few nitpicks worth noting. For starters, as soon as you get it, you’re going to want to clean this grinder thoroughly with soap and water, and rinse all the metal. There’s a lot of metal shards still on the teeth of this grinder when it arrives, and you’re not going to want to smoke or ingest those heavy metals, so clear those out. Note: I actually took some of the above photos before cleaning the grinder, so you could see the dirt and shards.

Over time, this grinder may shave some metals during the grinding process, so be sure to keep this grinder clean. Admittedly, metal shavings are problematic with pretty much all metal grinders, just as plastic shavings are dangerous in plastic grinders. If you are seriously worried about this issue, I would suggest giving a wooden grinder a try, though be warned…wooden grinders don’t usually grind very fine, which is the best type of grind for vaping cannabis flower.

Also, over time, I found that cannabis can get stuck on the teeth or through the holes, sometimes jamming. While I can use RYOT’s Utility Tool to poke through the holes, I do wish RYOT included (or sold) another attachment that could fit snuggly into the “medium” or “fine” mold of the grinder, pushing cannabis through the jammed holes, into the main chamber.

That said, most of these nitpicks will come with any grinder you buy. I find the versatility, ease of use, overall look and feel, as well as the variety of this grinder to be beyond nearly every grinder I’ve seen on the market. GR8TR is on version 2, and I can’t wait to see the improvements they make for version 3.

RATING: 4.2/5

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