Cannabis Health Summit
The ultimate information summit for patients, caregivers and medical cannabis advocates
July 13th
10 am to 4 pm
July 13th
10 am to 4 pm
The Ohio Cannabis Health Summit is open to those seeking knowledge in the medical cannabis industry. Gain insight by getting up close and personal with some of the best and brightest minds in the business.
Connect with vendors, physicians, support groups, cannabis advocates, dispensaries and cultivators, while learning about products and services related to cannabis and holistic health.

Ohio Cannabis Health Summit aims to educate the general public about Ohio’s fast-growing cannabis, natural and holistic healthcare industry.
On July 13th, join us at the the Crowne Plaza Cleveland South, located at 5300 Rockside Rd. in Independence. It’s an opportunity to network with medical cannabis advocates, physicians, cultivators, dispensary operators, patients, job seekers, and politicians, while learning about products and services related to cannabis, holistic health and wellness.
While patient access to medical marijuana is limited in the state, there’s a huge need to educate the public. Our goal is to educate and empower consumers.
So far, fewer than half of the registered Ohio medical marijuana patients are buying products, according to recent state figures. About 31,000 people are registered with the program, but only about 15,000 who have received a recommendation from a physician to obtain a medical marijuana card have made purchases from a dispensary.
Whether you’ve never used cannabis, or you’re a caregiver or advocate, this summit will help you gain insight. Topics will be diverse as basics like how to obtain a medical marijuana card and opportunities in the field, to opioid addiction and how cannabis laws could affect you.
For more information: Check out their website – OHIO CANNABIS HEALTH SUMMIT

Open to residence of the USA. Must be 18+
Draw will take place August 20th, LIVE on Instagram!

Q&A where Anthony weighs in on what it takes to be a commercial cannabis grower, what it’s like managing and growing with a team of other cultivators, and more!
Ohio Cannabis Health Summit