Ohio Strain Review:
Grapefruit Sour Dream
Is this Buckeye Relief budget strain actually any good?
Review & Photos by: Randy Shaffer
Strain Name: Grapefruit Sour Dream
Brand Name: Buckeye Relief
Ohio Cultivator: Buckeye Relief in Eastlake, Ohio
Type: Sativa
Total THC: 18.55%
Total CBD: 0%
Notable Terpenes: Myrcene, Limonene, Pinene

Packaging: First Impressions
Buckeye Relief is located in Eastlake, Ohio, just outside Cleveland. They’ve been around since the program’s launch, and have been serving Ohio medical marijuana patients longer than most cultivators in the state.
Recently, they’ve been selling a few strains, notably Grapefruit Sour Dream and Inception, in bulk containers that hold 14.15g of medical cannabis. Even better, their bulk containers are (as of this writing) $150, which ends up being about $100 less than what you’d pay if you bought 5 individual 2.83g bottles.
The large black container is something of an improvement over Buckeye Relief’s smaller bottles, which look like the old bottles you’d store a roll a film in, or diabetic test strip bottles. This container is more like a hand cream container, but with an easy-to-open pop top. Just a gentle squeeze and the top opens. The container can be a little difficult to keep closed, though.
Labeling is fairly basic and to the point, with little in terms of modern aesthetic. Also, patients are not able to see the cannabis before opening the container, which may upset some. Compare this bottle to a bottle of Woodward Fine Cannabis or Cresco Labs and it’s a letdown. Buckeye Relief seems way less interested in that vintage apothecary/boutique look and more focused on putting their cannabis in a safe, economical container. And in terms of pure functionality, this bulk container does the trick.
Those worried about waste should consider the bulk strains as they use less plastic overall. Regardless, every Ohio patient should be sure to recycle their containers.
Cannabis Look: Out of the Bottle
Nugs here range in size and density, from thick buds the size of a quarter, to tiny buds with mild density that range from pea-sized to penny-sized. The dominating color, besides a subtle mint green from the leaves, is a muted yellowish white from the trichomes, of which there are many. Some leaves are darker, with splashes of orange pistils and purple leaves every so often.
There’s nothing overly impressive with the look of Grapefruit Sour Dream, but it’s definitely not an unattractive bud. Like the container, this bud is all about functionality. But if you’re dreaming of holding a huge rabbit’s foot-sized nug in your hands, this strain won’t have many of those, if any at all.

How Does It Grind?
Buckeye Relief took a lot of flack early on for brittle bud. While most patients who vaporize (per law) didn’t notice this, a handful of early Buckeye Relief cannabis harvests resulted in a quick-burning experience when smoked. This issue can be solved easily at home by placing one or two Boveda humidity packs in your cannabis container. This ensures a softer, less brittle bud.
Personally, I have never experienced brittle cannabis from Buckeye Relief, and this container of Grapefruit Sour Dream was no different. Buds are perfectly cured, with just the right amount of dryness and moisture that cannabis patients seek. Since this container is large, I did toss a Boveda pack in there to keep things from drying out.
This bud grinds a little sticky and little thick. It may require some maintenance after the grind to break up any thicker pieces the teeth of your grinder may not have chewed properly. Stems were minimal, as the cannabis in this container was properly trimmed and manicured. And no seeds were reported in the container I purchased. This is pretty easy strain to grind, so pain patients shouldn’t have too much trouble diving into this cannabis.
Smell Before Vaping
This bud is a mixture of Blue Dream and Sour Diesel. If you’re not a huge fan of diesel strains, you may find the initial burst of diesel fumes to be exhausting. However, if your nostrils dig a subtle fruity aroma, this bud will be a pure delight.
With strong undercurrents that smell like red wine, this strain is simply divine to inhale. It’s sweet, strong, and carries a powerful pine scent that perfectly complements the fruity notes. This strain isn’t overly intoxicating, nor is the diesel smell too distracting, though. And it does not have that sickly sweet candy smell that some fruity strains can sometimes have. Rather, Grapefruit Sour Dream is exactly that — like a calm summer dream about a vineyard of fresh grapefruit trees.

Grapefruit Sour Dream Taste Test
I vaped this strain using an Arizer ExtremeQ set-top vaporizer, as well as a portable Pax vaporizer. Personally, the portable vaporizer struggled with this strain, sometimes cooking the green a little too much. If you can enjoy this one using a bag vaporizer, that’s the way to go. Be sure to vape this cannabis at a lower temperature and work your way up. My first bag was too hot and this resulted in a dirty-tasting cannabis.
However, after some fine-tuning, I found Grapefruit Sour Dream to have a soft, fruity taste, without too much bite. The aftertaste legitimately gave me the sense that I had just eaten a slice of fresh grapefruit. It doesn’t last long, maybe ten seconds, but it was a nice aftertaste that kept me coming back for more. Sadly, while still quite good, the taste just doesn’t match the pre-vaped smell of the strain, though.
Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects I Noted
The medicinal benefits noted below are for educational purposes only, and are not a substitute for the advice of a medical practitioner or licensed budtender.
Blue dream and sour diesel are already extraordinary popular strains among recreational communities, PTSD patients, and those suffering from anxiety and phobias. But what about the combination of these two? Is it too much, too little, or just the right mix?
As a patient, I found my anxieties to be almost immediately tempered. This sativa strain also gave me a lot of energy, and increased my productivity overall. Within minutes, I wanted to dance, exercise, write, work, hike .. you name it!
As long as there’s a productive angle, this strain will energize you!
That said, this sativa strain did not do much for my arthritic pain, nor did it help very much with inflammation. Indica strains tend to help best with problems like those, but some sativa strains can be very effective as well. This isn’t necessarily one of those strains. I did, however, notice that the neuropathy in my toes subsided during the experience.
I tend to prefer strains that can help with both the mind and the body, and while this strain didn’t do as much for the body as I would have wanted, the trade off was that it adjusted my mind in ways few strains can. With added energy, I was able to solve more problems, get more work done and find more time for exercise and social enrichment.
This is the kind of strain that gets people chatty. It inspires philosophical thinking, creativity and curiosity. It’s a great early morning strain, and a great strain for those who like to sit around and share stories, or go out and be social.
Final Thoughts on Grapefruit Sour Dream
Buckeye Relief has one awesome strain on their hands. Grapefruit Sour Dream is like a shot of fine expresso. Your senses are ignited with energy, and you won’t want to sit still with this one.
Those who are sensitive to heady cannabis experiences should take it slow with Grapefruit Sour Dream, or stick with indica dominant strains, like Buckeye Relief’s Inception. But sativa lovers should consider adding this one to their list of must-trys. Grapefruit Sour Dream is easily one of the best strains on the Ohio market. And it’s also a wonderful budget strain for those looking to stretch their cash.

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Cool Beans
[…] bulk container from Buckeye Relief in Eastlake, Ohio was previously discussed in our review of Grapefruit Sour Dream. It houses 14.15 grams of Ohio medical cannabis. The large black container is certainly nothing […]